
04. Verziókövetés, Git


Version control, Git

  • Track changes in a set of files
  • Coordinating work among developers
  • Who made what changes and when
  • Revert back at any time
  • Local and remote repos
  • Take snapshots of files by making a commit


sudo apt install git

Basic commands

git init          # Initialize local git repo
git add <file>    # Add file/files to staging area
git status        # Check status of working tree and staging area
git commit -m "What I've done"    # Commit changes in index
git push          # Push to remote repository
git pull          # Pull latest changes from remote repo
git branch <new_branch_name>
git checkout <branch_name>
git merge <branch_name>   # Merge the branch into the current branch
git config --global "Istvan Szabo"
git config --global ""


Personal token megjegyzése: git config --global credential.helper store


Windows és Linux óra probléma megoldása: timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 --adjust-system-clock


git remote
git clone <link>   # Copy repo into a new directory

# Add remote to repository:
git remote add origin <link>
git push -u origin master

Some alternatives to GitHub

GitLab, BitBucket, Launchpad, Phabricator


  • Markup language, easy to read
  • Text file → Formatted document
  • Widespread usag, e.g., blogs, forums, documentations, readme files, GitHub
  • Markdown Cheatsheet


0: GitHub repo létrehozása

  1. Inicializáljunk egy lokális git repo-t a ros-course package-ben.
  2. Regisztráljunk GitHub-ra, majd hozzunk létre egy private repo-t a ros_course package számára. Állítsuk be a local repo-ban a remote-ot, majd push-oljuk a package tartalmát.