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Challenge levels and grades

Projects can be completed at three Challenge levels. The Challenge level determines the best grade that can be received to the project!

Challenge level Best grade
Basic 3
Advanced 4
Epic 5


The projects are defined in a way that it is recommended to tart with the Basic level, and then gradually work towards Epic.

The projects are graded based on the follwoing aspects:

  • Proved to be the student's own work
  • Running results valid output
  • Usage of versioning, usage of GitHub/GitLab/other repository
  • Grading:
    • completeness of the soultion
    • proper ROS communication
    • proper structure of the program
    • quality of implementation
    • documentation quality


Personal attendance on the classes is mandatory (min 70%).

To pass the course, Tests and the Project must be passed (grade 2). One of the Test can be taken again.


\(Jegy = (Test1 + Test2 + 2 \times Project) / 4\)

Project topics

1. Mobil robot

A. Playground Robot


B. TurtleBot4


C. PlatypOUs (ROS 1)

D. Any mobile robot

1.1. Mobile robot obstacle avoidance

  • Basic: SSimulator setup, testing SLAM. Implementation of ROS node(s) to read the sensor data and move the robot.
  • Advanced: Implementation of a ROS system to detect obstacle. Calculation and execution of a trajectory avoiding the obstacle in the simulator, using any sensor of the robot.
  • Epic: Implementation and testing on the real robot/impress me!

1.2. Mobile robot path following

  • Basic: Simulator setup. Implementation of ROS node(s) to read the sensor data and move the robot.
  • Advanced: Implementation of a ROS system for path follwoing in the simulator, using any sensor of the robot (e.g., driving next to the wall with given distance using LIDAR).
  • Epic: Implementation and testing on the real robot/impress me!

1.3. Mobile robot object follwoing

  • Basic: Simulator setup. Implementation of ROS node(s) to read the sensor data and move the robot.
  • Advanced: Implementation of a ROS system to detect an object and follow it in the simulator, using any sensor of the robot(e.g., visual servoing).
  • Epic: Implementation and testing on the real robot/impress me!

1.4. Mobile robot action library

  • Basic: Simulator setup. Implementation of ROS node(s) to read the sensor data and move the robot.
  • Advanced: Implementation of a ROS action library containing simple actions and their execution (e.g., push object, move to object, turn around).
  • Epic: Implementation and testing on the real robot/impress me!

2. Quadcopter


  • Basic: Simulator setup. Implementation of ROS node(s) to read the sensor data and move the robot.
  • Advanced: ROS system implementation to control velocity/position.
  • Epic: Impress me!

3. Any Gazebo simulaion


Based on discussion.

4. Gazebo simulation creation


Based on discussion.

5. TurtleSim


5.1 Turtlesim Fraktál/Szöveg

  • Basic: Implement a proportianl controller.
  • Advanced: Draw fractal/text.
  • Epic: Impress me!



6.1 DVRK Interactive Marker

Graspable, movable marker for the DVRK simulator.

7. YouBot (Windows)

7.1. YouBot ROS integration

  • Basic: YouBot repo build.
  • Advanced: ROS wrapper/interface implementation, move the simulated arm in joint space from ROS.
  • Epic: Implementation and testing on the real robot/impress me!

X. Custom topic

Based on discussion.